more newness

So, as you can see, there’ve been a couple more changes to the site. For one, there’s a permanent link to my MySpace page to the right [your right] of this post. There’s a bunch of music up there that for the most part will not be up here. The amount of intersection of between this site and that one will probably fluctuate.

Also, you now can contact me through this site. Simply click on ‘Contact’ and send me your info. You are not required to fill in every field. For instance, you don’t have to fill in your phone number. It probably would make sense to at least put in your email address, though, if you want to be put on the list or to leave me the option of writing you back. But, if leaving an anonymous drive-by is your style too, that’s fine! I welcome contact!

BTW, when showing the new page with the new pieces on it to my wife, I played her the ‘bibliotics’ piece at the bottom of the page. after about 20 seconds, she said, ‘I want to play with Lite-Brite!’ Remember Lite-Brite?

yeah, she’s hilarious.

talk to ya later.
