to Poland and back

So, this past week I was in Katowice, Poland as a SIM faculty member. SIM stands for School for Improvised Music, it’s run by my friend Ralph Alessi, who was also there. Also also there was Ravi Coltrane, Brad Shepik, Mark Helias, and Jim Black. Except for Ralph, these are all musicians I had played with only a little bit [Ravi] or not at all [the rest] before this past week; including Ralph, these are all some seriously amazing musicians of whom I’ve been a fan for a long time. So, the week was a total blast. We played two concerts, each of which featured 6 tunes, one by each group member. And there were of course some jam session moments which were also hilarious and fun. I averaged at most 5 hours a night of sleep, and we taught a good deal of the day every day as well, so it was exhausting when coupled with the transatlantic flights and connections and so forth. Then, to top it all off, a nice old lady inadvertently stole my bag back after I arrived in NYC. She did bring it back to Aer Lingus, who are shipping it to me today.

Yes, I had pierogies, which were delicious. Plus, Polish vodka – Zubrowka!

So, now I’m back and recovered. Pictures were taken, not by me, but as soon as I can coax any out of the ether I’ll post some.

allrighty. I’ll be getting to some new stuff soon, to begin the cycle of new postings.

Mad Dog! Mad Dog!


more newness

So, as you can see, there’ve been a couple more changes to the site. For one, there’s a permanent link to my MySpace page to the right [your right] of this post. There’s a bunch of music up there that for the most part will not be up here. The amount of intersection of between this site and that one will probably fluctuate.

Also, you now can contact me through this site. Simply click on ‘Contact’ and send me your info. You are not required to fill in every field. For instance, you don’t have to fill in your phone number. It probably would make sense to at least put in your email address, though, if you want to be put on the list or to leave me the option of writing you back. But, if leaving an anonymous drive-by is your style too, that’s fine! I welcome contact!

BTW, when showing the new page with the new pieces on it to my wife, I played her the ‘bibliotics’ piece at the bottom of the page. after about 20 seconds, she said, ‘I want to play with Lite-Brite!’ Remember Lite-Brite?

yeah, she’s hilarious.

talk to ya later.


new music samples

Hey, m’yall. Six, countemsix new downloads, at long last. These draw exclusively from my electroacoustic rucksack. I’m glad to have a workflow that now allows me to more frequently share this stuff with everyone, because there’s a bunch of it, yes there is.

There’s a point a couple minutes into ‘stain caucus’ when some really high frequencies don’t quite make it past the lossy gestapo. Please forgive. It’s a longish piece and therefore a tad cumbersome to have there in full lossless format, but I really like it and decided to upload it despite that couple seconds or so of teeny compromise. Who knows, maybe I’ll get just pissed off enough about it in a few days that I’ll just upload the big one anyway, bandwidth be damned.

Anyway, thanks for listening and checking it out. Any feedback is welcome.

also, please be aware that I now have a myspace music page, with some different material than here. it’s at:
